Manage Your Time

In these days of high speed, we find hardly any time at our disposal. Even 24 hours are not sufficient. (But will even 48 hours be??) But the problem is that, we don't manage our time properly. So, we think we are running out of time. If there are even 20 people unmanaged, they seem to be a crowd. But make them stand in a queue, and even small space is enough. It's all about management.

  • Before going to bed, make a list of your work, that you expect to do the next day.
  • Along with that, add even those works to the list, which you could not complete, or remained incomplete due to lack of time or any other reason.
  • On Sundays, or on any holidays, make a list of the works that you want to complete within a week or a month.
  • As and when you come across a new work, write it down. Make a habit of keeping a diary and a pen ready.
  • While making a list, write the work by priority, so that while doing these works, you will come across the important works first.
  • When you feel enthusiastic, when your spirits are high, try to complete the most important [(and boring) actually no work should be boring] works first.
  • If any of your works is lengthy, divide them into smaller work-groups and set deadlines for yourself.
  • Be on your heels as far as deadlines are concerned. Don't abuse your deadlines, respect them.
  • Set reasonable deadlines, such those you can fight against.
  • Before setting off for any work, study it thoroughly - how long may it take, how it can be completed, who can help you, what the hurdles might be etc.
  • If possible assign works to your juniors and colleagues.
  • Increase your decision power - it saves you a lot of time.
  • Keep each and every thing you want in its place. The next time you want it, you get it instantly. Finding it at the eleventh hour makes haste and there has been no record of getting things done hastily and accurately. That will surely spoil your work and you will lose your temper too.
  • Keep thinking positive when working. But a word of caution - be prepared for the worst.

Follow these simple steps and you will feel the difference yourself.